What is the West Central Illinois Building and Construction Trades Council?
The WCIBCTC is an alliance of 15 craft unions which work together to improve relationships and create harmony among its member organizations. The WCIBCTC strives to improve the quality of life and job opportunities for over 15,000 members throughout a 13-county area in West Central Illinois.

What is the structure?
The WCIBCTC belongs to the National Building Trades Council based in Washington, D.C. The Council is one of 317 councils in the United States and one of 21 councils in Illinois. Nationally, the Building Trades representes 3.5 million members, statewide there are over 245,000 members.
Who are we affiliated with?
The WCIBCTC is affiliated with various organizations in the community including: area Chambers of Commerce; Economic Development Councils; United Way; NABTU; IL AFL-CIO; and the Peoria Area Convention and Visitors Bureau – just to name a few.

How can we help?
The Building Trades offers you, the construction user, one-stop assistance when choosing a contractor for your project in the West Central Illinois region. We can help you obtain the expertise needed to complete your project on time and within budget.
Labor-Management Relations?
The contractors and unions of West Central Illinois enjoy an outstanding cooperative relationship implemented through such labor-management groups as TRICON (Tri-County Construction Labor Management Council); NECA (National Electrical Contractors Association); SMACNA (Sheet Metal Air Conditioning National Contractors Association); and others. The cooperative effort between contractors (Greater Peoria Contractors and Suppliers Association) and the skilled trade unions fosters improvement and cooperation in areas such as productivity, job safety, quality, training, customer satisfaction and countless other important challenges facing the construction industry.

How can I find more Information?
Feel free to call us or send us an email with any other questions: