Mission Statement:

To build an alliance of 15 craft unions which work together to improve relationships and create harmony among its member organizations. The WCIBCTC strives to improve the quality of life and job opportunities for over 15,000 union members throughout a 13-county area in West Central Illinois.

West Central Building & Construction Trades Council

Letter From Executive Director

The West Central Illinois Building and Construction Trades Council (WCIBCTC) has designed this website to serve as a comprehensive tool for the construction industry.
The WCIBCTC, its construction professionals and signatory contractors are committed to working as a team and together, we give top priority to the needs of our customers. What you will find in working with our team is the professionalism of years of training and reputable contractors, who work to satisfy the unique needs of every customer.
Working together, the construction industry has created and implemented award winning labor-management partnerships along with nationally certified training programs.
Our training programs are the best in the industry with apprenticeships ranging from three to five years and constant upgrade training that keeps our professionals on the cutting edge of new technologies and procedures. Our customers benefit by receiving the best product, while staying within budget and delivering your construction product in a timely manner.
If you are looking for a career in the organized construction industry, look through our apprenticeship programs and decide which path would be right for you. Our programs will help you achieve your goals and offer you training that will give you opportunities for advancement and a life-long career.
Thank you for your time. If we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 309-674-9243. We look forward to working with you.

Clint Drury Executive DIrector - West Central Building and Construction Trades Council

WCIBCTC Trades Council

Learn more about West Central Illinois Building & Construction Trades Council

Project Labor Agreements

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Responsible Bidder Language

Learn how Responsible Bidder Language can help your next project

Crafts Covered by WCIBCTC

Counties Covered by WCIBCTC​